Monday, May 25, 2020

Are You The Boss of You Maybe Its Time!

Are You The Boss of You Maybe Its Time! If youre like most of us, youve probably read at least a couple of self-improvement books.  They may have been categorized as self-help or success books, but they all have a common core.  That common core is about making you a better version of yourself.  And, at the same time, applying what you learn to become successful in life. But if youre like most of us, youve found that most of those books seem incomplete in one way or another.  Its as though each gives you a few pieces of the puzzle, but leaves you with an unfinished picture. I had the opportunity to read Im The Boss of Me by Jeanne Beliveau-Dunn recently.  Its my habit to skim the chapter titles, preface, and authors bio prior to digging into a new book.  If Im not hooked by the time I finish those, its not likely Ill finish the book.    This time, I was surprised by, of all things, the acknowledgments. It so mirrored my own beliefs and experience about life, Ill quote the entire paragraph here: There is no higher purpose than helping your family and others you care about achieve, succeed, and find their way through lifes choices and challenges.  I learned this truth first from my mother, who through troubled times and easier times always made me feel loved, valued, and important.  She set the stage for my success by showing me how to get back up when life knocks you down and by demonstrating resilience throughout my childhood Yes, thats what life is about.   And thats accomplished by taking charge and taking responsibility for your own thoughts, feelings, and actions.  By truly being the boss of you. The author proceeds to give what Id call the most clear and complete outline of how to succeed in and own your life I can ever recall having read.   While the context is business and career, the principles and ideas expressed are directly applicable to all of life. Ready For Different Results? While the annual ritual of New Year resolutions is past, part of being your own boss is making course corrections that keep you moving towards your goals.  Here are five questions posed in Im The Boss of Me that will help you in doing so. What do I want to accomplish in the future? Why do I want to accomplish this? What does success look like? What would my best work look like? On my best work day, what would I be doing? Who would I be doing it with? How would I feel? Of course, being the boss of yourself has costs, too.  You get to own your results.  There will be challenges and roadblocks that youll have to acknowledge.  And, perhaps be accountable for.  But the good news is that when you get to the other end of your journey, and all along the way, it will have been uniquely yours. Images via Pixabay.

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