Sunday, May 10, 2020

New Careers In the International Market - CareerAlley

New Careers In the International Market - CareerAlley We may receive compensation when you click on links to products from our partners. As the United States economy appears to slow down and as unemployment remains sluggish, more and more job seekers are turning to the international marketplace in order to pursue their career. Since the global economy is in many ways a zero-sum game, there are just as many opportunities as there are slowdowns, provided that you know where to look. The Language of the World Any English-speaking American citizen has a major advantage for pursuing a career in the international climate. Since the English language is the most-instructed language in the world, any American who grew up speaking and learning English has the tools necessary to teach it in a foreign classroom. Many nations like South Korea, Finland, and the United Arab Emirates have instruction in the English language for students in public schools as young as kindergarten. Even in nations without such government programs have private schools and universities that instruct pupils in English. These nations need to hire new instructors to teach the language each year and readily welcome any American who wants to help. Some of these teaching positions supply you with a salary, living quarters, and allowances for food and transportation. Work For Uncle Sam Just like the leading career provider in the US is the government, you can find plenty of state jobs outside the US as well. The State Department offers careers for one hundred and sixty-five different countries around the globe. While working as a diplomat is hardly a new career, the types of careers available through diplomacy are expanding rapidly. For instance, the state department hires analysts who look at the social media buzz of foreign countries in order to understand culture and major events. During the Arab Spring, organizations in the Middle East used Twitter to facilitate political change. The US government took quick notice and now hires diplomats who can monitor what is being said over such online communications medium. Currency Exchange While stocks have long since been traded between corporations and countries, only recently have markets been organized so that individuals are capable of purchasing and selling foreign currencies. This type of investing is called ForEx, and while you do not necessarily need to leave the country in order to pursue a career as a currency stockbroker, it gives you advantages over the armchair trader back home. These advantages include proximity to news and information, a better understanding of foreign markets and economic trends, and more people talking about change to that nations currency. While dealing in international currencies is far from a normal career since you do not have a boss, regular paycheck, or office to speak of, it can be greatly rewarding for those willing to take chances in new lands. Oil Was Yesterday In the 21st century one of the biggest buzzwords around has been the green revolution. More and more nations and corporations are looking to make themselves energy efficient and energy independent by switching to renewable resources instead of using fossil fuels. Chemical and mechanical engineers are at the forefront of this switch and international organizations are looking to hire new scientists and technicians to help build new green cities and technologies. Germany, for instance, receives nearly a third of their power from solar panels despite the relatively cloudiness of the countrys climate. German corporations employ Americans with expertise in solar energy or other green technology because the government provides lucrative grants for carbon credits. Similarly, though China is consuming more and more oil each year, they are also dumping billions of dollars into research in wind energy, making it a premiere option for young engineers hoping to further their careers overseas. Author Bio Joshua Turner writes and blogs in the field of business. This article explains international career opportunities and aims to encourage further study with a Masters in Diplomacy and International Relations . This is a Guest post. If you would like to submit a guest post to CareerAlley, please follow these guest post guidelines. Good luck in your search. Visit me on Facebook What's next? Ready to take action? Choose the right tools to help you build your career. Looking for related topics? Find out how to find the opportunities that help you grow your best career. Subscribe and make meaningful progress on your career. It̢۪s about time you focused on your career. Get Educated Contact Us Advertise Copyright 2020 CareerAlley. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy + Disclosure home popular resources subscribe search

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